Thursday, 16 February 2012

Students Suffered By Power Failure in Tamilnadu

students suffered

+2 public exams will start from march 8.Hall tickets are already gave to the students.Because of power failure students suffered a lot to study.For practical exam also students were not able to do their practicals properly.

The tamilnadu government didn't take any action.The Tamil nadu Government says that, Because of the following problems power cuts have been implemented
1)Power theft by factories.
2) Over usage of power by the consumers.
3)Wastage of power in functions.
4)Power Generation Shortage because of strike in neyveli.
Tamil nadu wants 8000 Mw power.But now a days it has 7190Mw of Power.This is the basic problem of power shortage.

The union minister for power Mr.Jeyaram Ramesh said that the entire country facing the same problem for the past six months.The action will be taken as soon as possible against power failure.

For the first time tamil nadu face these much tme of power failure.
In chennai cities power off is for 90 minutes.
In sub-urban areas power off is for three hours.
In other places it takes ten hours.


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